Sweatshop Free Manufacturing
Our Commitment to Responsible Recruitment
Labor abuse continues to exist today. Some facilities have
unsafe working conditions and extended hours, many even have inadequate pay scales. Inhumane practices
the fashion industry still exist and need to be stopped. We are committed to the fair treatment of workers
throughout our entire supply chain.
In 2020, BELLA+CANVAS signed the American Apparel & Footwear Association and the Fair Labor
Association's Commitment to Responsible Recruitment to address these issues.
We are working with our global supply chain partners to create conditions so that:
- No workers pay for their job
- Workers receive a timely refund of fees and costs paid to obtain or maintain their job;
- Workers retain control of their travel documents and have full freedom of movement; and
- All workers are informed, in a language they understand, of the basic terms of their employment before leaving their country of origin
We certify that none of our cotton is sourced from China's Xinjiang Region, where there
is evidence of the use of prison labor and situations of forced labor.
Download our statement on